The goal of Syconium Lactic Acid GmbH (SLA) is to develop a novel production solution for lactic acid combining novel genetically modified yeast strain and an aligned fermentation process for a significantly reduction of
production costs.

of Syconium
Syconium Lactic Acid GmbH is build around excellent scientific experts and experienced managers with a strong industrial background.
This team is linked to a strong network of supporting functions to realize Syconiums business idea.

Lactic Acid GmbH
Reichsratsstrasse 15 | 1010 Vienna | Austria
T. +43 (0) 699 10709401 Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!
FN 419334v | HG Vienna
UID/VAT: ATU68903902